When people ask me what I do, I never know what to say. I think that I need to hold a card that lists all the things I do.
_ Founder and organizer of the Foodportunity events (next one coming soon)
- Founder and organizer of the Seattle Food Blogger events
- Co-founder of The Mommy List with Kim Ricketts
- Write a blog in the Seattle PI
- Write a weekly dining To Do list for MyNorthwest.com
- Currently working on the Canvolution, (save the dates, August 29-30, a weekend of canning events that will knock the lid off you)
Public relations and consulting for restaurants
- Avid Breast feeder and mom of a 9 month old baby boy
I have decided to put this down for all of you. Oh and there are a couple more projects that I can't really talk about yet.
The breastfeeding part sounds trivial but it is the most important job I have. It exhausts me and comforts me at the same time. Being a mom is the most important priority and sometimes I have to remind myself of this. I would quit every other job for my baby in a second. Watching my baby grow, wiggle his fingers to say bye bye and giggle when I kiss his thighs is my reminder that life is short (hey didn't I just give birth a few months ago).
The food world tears me into many directions, keeping up with twitter is another job I should add to the list. Should I be at every event? Should I be cupcake walking through the streets, should I be at every food related party in the world and making sure to taste every morsel of fruit that comes anywhere near the farmers markets? No! No! No!
I just feel like sometimes I need to take a step back and ask myself : Do I really want to talk about food right now? Yes, I am a food blogger, but I am also a mom, a wife, a yogi ( even if it's been a while) a friend and many other things.
Don't get me wrong , I have a love-hate relationship with twitter. Sometimes, I really am sick of reading tweets from people boasting about who they know, sometimes the food obsession is a little too overwhelming and sometimes I realize people are losing life's most precious moments (I am talking about you who tweets between every bite of a food). I am probably guilty of doing one of the above although I really try not to.
Sometimes twitter sweeps me off my feet, especially when I bought bottled salad dressing for the first time in 3 years, it was a liberating experience. We try to make most things from scratch at home but I decided that as a mom sometimes you have to let go.
I tweeted about it (felt guilty but still liberating) and tweeted " any chef want to make me salad dressing?" I got one response from Chef Becky of Chef Reinvented and a few days later, picked up a jar of pomegranate molasses vinaigrette that has brought me back to heavenly lettuce land. Now isn't this what twitter is about? Making friends, strengthening bonds and connecting the food community. Did I mention that twitter has been used to schedule play dates between friends such as Alice from Sweet Savory Life and Nurit of Family Friendly Food?
Want to know who to follow on twitter? Check out this article. I can't believe that I am on this list.
Anyway, I don't know what this post is really about but I really wanted to say to some of the people who I want to hang out with but can't, it's just timing.
I also wanted to say to all those moms out there, let go! You can't do everything!
I also wanted to write a post about me, I spend so much time writing about other people's events that I never get the time to sit down and use the blog as my own form of therapy.
End of post, whew I feel better!
Keren, I just wanted to let you know how much I love being friends with you and little E. Watching you juggle motherhood and a successful career is inspiring.
Keren, you are articulating what a lot of moms (myself included) feel. I think you have your priorities straight!
I remember meeting you at foodportunity and then going home to check out your blog and i was gobsmacked that you took on that event with that little munchkin at your hip (and breast. Also, it does not surprise me in the least that Becky answered your salad dressing call. You seem to know what is important to you and what might need to be put on the back burner once in awhile, sounds like you're doing fine!
Next time someone asks you what you do just tell them you do a lot of great things.
Alice, I feel so lucky to have met you and your baby E!
Rebekah,my talks with you help me keep my priorities straight
EM, thanks so much for the comment, it really encourages me that what I am doing is ok
Eric, that is so kind of you...
Whew. OK, I feel better just reading your post. A couple blogs, making sure I hit the gym, caring for my pop...and hopefully soon a kiddo. Yes I can!
...but every now and then I can't, so I know it's ok to just sit down with a glass of wine, a hunk of cheese and some yummy chocolate!
awww HUGS to you! I totally get how you feel, as I have a similar list of "hats" (though no breastfeeding)
;-) xoxox
Beth: it's all possible
SteamyKitchen: You have a long list of hats but you pull it off with such ease
Don't forget amazingly supportive and fun SISTER!!!
Lately you've had to wear that HAT a lot!!!
I love this post, it just reminds me how real you are and how you are such a superwoman even if you don't always believe it!
Kisses to E.
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